According to GO! Network member Creature & Co., “The Climate Crisis has further stoked the flames of the Nature Crisis.” But what is the difference between these two inseparably linked, growing emergencies?
In their latest blog, Creature & Co. explore how brands can empower people to care about nature.
“Using a narrow focus on the Nature Crisis could provide differentiation in your brand narrative and an opportunity to stand for a cause that will drive affinity and loyalty with consumers.”
“The Nature Crisis is a huge topic, covering many different habitats, species and problems. While it’s tempting to take a stand on them all, it’s best to find the specific angle that makes sense for your brand.”
“Create stories for your brand that you can use to communicate your cause further - switch to nature-friendly cleaning products or install green spaces that encourage wildlife. Could your staff play an active role in restoring local natural habitats?”
“Use your influence and reach to educate your audience. Don’t assume they know what the Nature Crisis is, or how it differs from the Climate Crisis – start from the beginning and include all the key facts: the what, where, how and why.”
“Who could help you gain traction on this issue, and help you become known for it as a brand? It could be an NGO, charity or an individual who’s known for their work in this space.”
“Consider the best formats and channels for your Nature Crisis comms content. Could a short video series work, or an infographic, an interactive story or perhaps a combination of all these, housed within a digital hub?”
Read the full article from the Creature & Co. team here, or get in touch to learn more about our agency network.