In this interactive session, GO! Network members The Behaviours Agency explore what’s going on in these powerful women's lives, and share how in-house marketing leaders can take advantage of this huge commercial opportunity.

The Behaviours Agency is on a mission to empower brands to genuinely understand, represent, connect and support women during a significant life stage.

At the soul of this initiative are founders of The Behaviours Agency Sue Benson and Dorina D’Ambrosio. Not only are they experiencing this transformative life stage, but they hold years of experience collaborating with brands whose audiences reflect this group.

They designed 'Midlife Women' to help reframe the way marketers represent women, once and for all - proving that doing so can build a competitive advantage for businesses.

Ove the last 8 months the team have investigated midlife from every angle:

  • Survey of UK women 45-60.
  • In-depth discussions with UK women 45-60.
  • Reviewed UK brand and influencer comms targeting women 45-60.

What's Covered?

Sue and her team will take you on a whistle stop tour of the changing and diverse world of midlife women, and in doing so will help you:

  • To understand the commercial opportunity.
  • To understand the significance and impact of CHANGE in this period of women's lives, including the opportunity it therefore gives brands and retailers.
  • Smash myths around menopause and negativity.
  • Identify new shopping behaviours and habit opportunities.
  • Show how women want to be represented, leveraging their latest semiotics work.

But this is like no ordinary session - they’ll be discussions, debates and opinions sought after..

And they’ll challenge you to be part of a new movement to improve midlife women representation in marketing.

GO! Network ‘Deep Dives’ are a chance for our community to drill down into specialist areas of their strategy with support from our Network members.

This session is free to attend, but spaces are limited - register now to confirm your space.


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